Results for 'Michael Christian Budianto'

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  1. Nothngness and Science.Michael Christian Cifone - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):251-275.
    We characterize science in terms of nihilism: the nihilism of science is something faced not in what science i mplies, but as the very essence of science as such. The nihilism of science is the birth of the truth of Nietzsche's announcement "God is dead" from within science as it must now face its repressed subjective core. But in truth, as the Psychoanalytic tradition has determined, it is subjectivity itself that is a bottomless searching-the subject is itself born from nothing. (...)
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  2. Klaus Wiegerling, Michael Nerurkar, Christian Wadephul (Hg.): Ethische Herausforderungen von Big-Data.Andreas Kaminski, Michael Nerurkar, Christian Wadephul & Klaus Wiegerling (eds.) - 2020 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Conservative Reductionism.Michael Esfeld & Christian Sachse - 2011 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Christian Sachse.
    _Conservative Reductionism_ sets out a new theory of the relationship between physics and the special sciences within the framework of functionalism. It argues that it is wrong-headed to conceive an opposition between functional and physical properties and to build an anti-reductionist argument on multiple realization. By contrast, all properties that there are in the world, including the physical ones, are functional properties in the sense of being causal properties, and all true descriptions that the special sciences propose can in principle (...)
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  4. Manipulation: Theory and Practice.Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Oup Usa.
    A great deal of scholarly attention has been paid to coercion. Less attention has been paid to what might be a more pervasive form of influence: manipulation. The essays in this volume address this relative imbalance by focusing on manipulation, examining its nature, moral status, and its significance in personal and social life.
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    Sharing Economy, Sharing Responsibility? Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Age.Michael Etter, Christian Fieseler & Glen Whelan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):935-942.
    The sharing economy has transformed economic transactions, created new organizational forms, and contributed to changes in consumer culture. Started as a movement with promises of a more sustainable, democratic, and inclusive economy, the sharing economy, and its impact on issues such as privacy, discrimination, worker rights, and regulation, is now the subject of heated debate. Many of these issues root in the changes that digital technologies have brought and the unresolved moral and ethical questions emerging therefrom. This special issue contributes (...)
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    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Versus Treatment as Usual in the Treatment of Depression: A Randomized-Controlled Trial.Michael Hase, Jens Plagge, Adrian Hase, Roger Braas, Luca Ostacoli, Arne Hofmann & Christian Huchzermeier - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Einleitung.Michael Quante, Anna Kahmen, Christian Loos & Barbara von Groote-Gotzes - 2023 - In Michael Quante, Anna Kahmen, Christian Loos & Barbara von Groote-Gotzes (eds.), Energieverantwortung: Beiträge zu ethischen Grundlagen und Zuständigkeiten in inter- und transdisziplinärer Perspektive. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 1-7.
    Der Klimawandel ist die globale Krise unserer Gegenwart. Mit Blick auf die sich hieraus ergebenen Handlungsoptionen und -zwänge stellt der verantwortliche Umgang mit Energie sicher einen der zentralen Bereiche dar. Unsere ethische Verantwortung betrifft dabei beides: Erzeugung und Verbrauch von Energie gleichermaßen. Der vorliegende Band verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens soll ein interdisziplinärer Dialog ermöglicht und die dafür notwendigen fachlichen Reflexionen angestoßen werden. Keine Einzeldisziplin kann auf die komplexen Probleme des Klimawandels oder die mit dem Terminus Energieverantwortung angezeigten Herausforderungen alleine eine (...)
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    Energieverantwortung: Beiträge zu ethischen Grundlagen und Zuständigkeiten in inter- und transdisziplinärer Perspektive.Michael Quante, Anna Kahmen, Christian Loos & Barbara von Groote-Gotzes (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Der Band widmet sich der Frage, wer verantwortlich ist für einen ethisch angemessenen Umgang mit Energie. Dazu sollen zunächst im ersten Teil die normativen Grundlagen von Energieverantwortung skizziert werden. Im zweiten Teil werden mögliche Spannungsfelder identifiziert, die in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Dimensionen bestehen. Im abschließenden dritten Teil wird die Perspektive auf Probleme erweitert, die durch die Implementierung energieverantwortlicher Maßnahmen und Bestrebungen entstehen. So leistet der Band eine Ordnung der Fragen rund um Energieverantwortung sowie die Darstellung, Bewertung und Lösung (...)
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    Statistical Practice: Putting Society on Display.Michael Mair, Christian Greiffenhagen & W. W. Sharrock - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (3):51-77.
    As a contribution to current debates on the ‘social life of methods’, in this article we present an ethnomethodological study of the role of understanding within statistical practice. After reviewing the empirical turn in the methods literature and the challenges to the qualitative-quantitative divide it has given rise to, we argue such case studies are relevant because they enable us to see different ways in which ‘methods’, here quantitative methods, come to have a social life – by embodying and exhibiting (...)
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    Patience: A New Account of a Neglected Virtue.Christian B. Miller & R. Michael Furr - forthcoming - Journal of the American Philosophical Association:1-21.
    The goal of this article is to outline a new account of the virtue of patience. To help build the account, we focus on five important issues pertaining to patience: (i) goals and time, (ii) emotion, (iii) continence versus virtue, (iv) motivation, and (v) good ends. The heart of the resulting account is that patience is a cross-situational and stable disposition to react, both internally and externally, to slower than desired progress toward goal achievement with a reasonable level of calmness. (...)
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    Cognitive Models for Machine Theory of Mind.Christian Lebiere, Peter Pirolli, Matthew Johnson, Michael Martin & Donald Morrison - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Some of the required characteristics for a true machine theory of mind (MToM) include the ability to (1) reproduce the full diversity of human thought and behavior, (2) develop a personalized model of an individual with very limited data, and (3) provide an explanation for behavioral predictions grounded in the cognitive processes of the individual. We propose that a certain class of cognitive models provide an approach that is well suited to meeting those requirements. Being grounded in a mechanistic framework (...)
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    Humean Laws for Human Agents.Christian Loew, Siegfried Jaag & Michael Townsen Hicks (eds.) - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford UP.
    Humean Laws for Human Agents presents cutting-edge research by leading experts on the Humean account of laws, chance, possibility, and necessity. A central question in metaphysics and philosophy of science is: What are laws of nature? Humeans hold that laws are not sui generis metaphysical entities but merely particularly effective summaries of what actually happens. The most discussed recent work on Humeanism emphasizes the laws' usefulness for limited agents and uses pragmatic considerations to address fundamental and long-standing problems. The current (...)
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    Top-down and bottom-up modulation of pain-induced oscillations.Michael Hauck, Claudia Domnick, Jürgen Lorenz, Christian Gerloff & Andreas K. Engel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Recombination in HIV and the evolution of drug resistance: for better or for worse?Michael T. Bretscher, Christian L. Althaus, Viktor Müller & Sebastian Bonhoeffer - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (2):180-188.
    The rapid evolution of drug resistance remains a major obstacle for HIV therapy. The capacity of the virus for recombination is widely believed to facilitate the evolution of drug resistance. Here, we challenge this intuitive view. We develop a population genetic model of HIV replication that incorporates the processes of mutation, cellular superinfection, and recombination. We show that cellular superinfection increases the abundance of low fitness viruses at the expense of the fittest strains due to the mixing of viral proteins (...)
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    Translating religion: what is lost and gained?Michael P. DeJonge & Christiane Tietz (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Translating Religion advances thinking about translation as a critical category in religious studies, combining theoretical reflection about processes of translation in religion with focused case studies that are international, interdisciplinary, and interreligious. By operating with broad conceptions of both religion and translation, this volume makes clear that processes of translation, broadly construed, are everywhere in both religious life and the study of religion; at the same time, the theory and practice of translation and the advancement of translation studies as a (...)
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    Open and closed cortico-subcortical loops: A neuro-computational account of access to consciousness in the distractor-induced blindness paradigm.Christian Ebner, Henning Schroll, Gesche Winther, Michael Niedeggen & Fred H. Hamker - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:295-307.
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    Converging Development of English as Foreign Language Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills in German Upper Secondary Schools.Christian Spoden, Jens Fleischer & Michael Leucht - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    John R. Searle, Rationality in Action.Michael Kober & Christian Schemmel - 2005 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 30 (2):216-225.
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    Paternalism: Theory and Practice.Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Is it allowable for your government, or anyone else, to influence or coerce you 'for your own sake'? This is a question about paternalism, or interference with a person's liberty or autonomy with the intention of promoting their good or averting harm, which has created considerable controversy at least since John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. Mill famously decried paternalism of any kind, whether carried out by private individuals or the state. In this volume of new essays, leading moral, political and (...)
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    Moralische Verpflichtung in der Politik: Grundlegung zu einem pragmatischen Modell deliberativer Demokratie.Christian Michael Schenkel - 2012 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    Erfüllen gewachsene Demokratien in der industrialisierten Welt das Versprechen einer Volksherrschaft oder stehen sie unter dem Einfluss einer Elite aus Politik und Wirtschaft? Von dieser Frage ausgehend entwickelt die vorliegende Monographie ein Demokratiemodell, das sich auf das Verhältnis zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht in der Gesellschaft bezieht und darauf eine moralische Verpflichtung in der Politik zurückführt. Der Text untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen in Demokratien die individuelle Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung maximiert und die Androhung und Anwendung von Gewalt minimiert werden kann. Im Zentrum (...)
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    Gedanken zur Pädagogik im Winter 1820/21.Michael Winkler, Wolfgang Virmond, Dorothea Meier, Christiane Ehrhardt & Jens Beljan - 2017 - In Michael Winkler, Wolfgang Virmond, Dorothea Meier, Christiane Ehrhardt & Jens Beljan (eds.), Vorlesungen Über Die Pädagogik Und Amtliche Voten Zum Öffentlichen Unterricht. De Gruyter. pp. 539-542.
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  22. Oratio de Sinarum philosophia practica. Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen.Christian Wolff & Michael Albrecht - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (1):120-125.
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    Vorlesungen über die Pädagogik im Winter 1813/14.Michael Winkler, Wolfgang Virmond, Dorothea Meier, Christiane Ehrhardt & Jens Beljan - 2017 - In Michael Winkler, Wolfgang Virmond, Dorothea Meier, Christiane Ehrhardt & Jens Beljan (eds.), Vorlesungen Über Die Pädagogik Und Amtliche Voten Zum Öffentlichen Unterricht. De Gruyter. pp. 257-324.
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  24. The Moral Animal: Virtue, Vice, and Human Nature.Christian Miller, Berlin Heather & Shermer Michael - 2016 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences:39-56.
    Steve Paulson, executive producer and host of To the Best of Our Knowledge, moderated a discussion with philosopher Christian Miller, neuroscientist Heather Berlin, and historian of science Michael Shermer to examine our moral ecology and its influence on our underlying assumptions about human nature.
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    Personenregister.Christian Tornau & Michael Erler - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 797-800.
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    The Politics of the textbook.Michael W. Apple & Linda K. Christian-Smith (eds.) - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The Politics of the Texbook analyzes the factors that shape production, distribution and reception of school texts through original essays which emphasize the double-edged quality of textbooks. Textbooks are viewed as systems of moral regulation in the struggle of powerful groups to build political and cultural accord. They are also regarded as the site of popular resistance around discloding the interest underlying schoolknowledge and incorporating alternative traditions.
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  27. Humeanism and the Pragmatic Turn.Michael Townsen Hicks, Siegfried Jaag & Christian Loew - 2023 - In Christian Loew, Siegfried Jaag & Michael Townsen Hicks (eds.), Humean Laws for Human Agents. Oxford: Oxford UP. pp. 1-15.
    A central question in the philosophy of science is: What is a law of nature? Different answers to this question define an important schism: Humeans, in the wake of David Hume, hold that the laws of nature are nothing over and above what actually happens and reject irreducible facts about natural modality (Lewis, 1983, 1994; cf. Miller, 2015). According to Non-Humeans, by contrast, the laws are metaphysically fundamental (Maudlin, 2007) or grounded in primitive modal structures, such as dispositional essences of (...)
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    The interaction of child abuse and rs1360780 of the FKBP5 gene is associated with amygdala resting-state functional connectivity in young adults.Christiane Wesarg, Ilya M. Veer, Nicole Y. L. Oei, Laura S. Daedelow, Tristram A. Lett, Tobias Banaschewski, Gareth J. Barker, Arun L. W. Bokde, Erin Burke Quinlan, Sylvane Desrivières, Herta Flor, Antoine Grigis, Hugh Garavan, Rüdiger Brühl, Jean-Luc Martinot, Eric Artiges, Frauke Nees, Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Luise Poustka, Sarah Hohmann, Juliane H. Fröhner, Michael N. Smolka, Robert Whelan, Gunter Schumann, Andreas Heinz & Henrik Walter - 2021 - Human Brain Mapping 42 (10):3269-3281.
    Extensive research has demonstrated that rs1360780, a common single nucleotide polymorphism within the FKBP5 gene, interacts with early-life stress in predicting psychopathology. Previous results suggest that carriers of the TT genotype of rs1360780 who were exposed to child abuse show differences in structure and functional activation of emotion-processing brain areas belonging to the salience network. Extending these findings on intermediate phenotypes of psychopathology, we examined if the interaction between rs1360780 and child abuse predicts resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) between the amygdala (...)
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    Ethische Akzeptabilität als zentraler Baustein philosophischer Politikberatung.Christian Loos & Michael Quante - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (2):15-46.
    Unter ‚Akzeptabilität‘ versteht man einerseits „gerechtfertigte Akzeptanzfähigkeit“ und andererseits „intersubjektive Angemessenheit“; Letztere wird in diesem Beitrag als praktische Kohärenz und soziale Verhältnismäßigkeit gefasst. Damit stellt das Konzept ethischer Akzeptabilität ein Angebot der praktischen Philosophie für den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs zur Akzeptabilitätsüberprüfung bereit. Als kritische Reflexionsinstanz geht es der Philosophie dabei weder um Akzeptanzbeschaffung noch um die Ermittlung möglicher oder erwartbarer Akzeptanz. Philosophische Politikberatung fokussiert als Ethik auf die Qualität der Gründe von Handlungen oder Handlungszielen von politischen Institutionen oder Personen.
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    Figuren der Transzendenz. Transformationen eines phänomenologischen Grundbegriffs.Michael Staudigl & Christian Sternad - 2014 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Development and Psychometric Properties of the Test of Passive Aggression.Christian G. Schanz, Monika Equit, Sarah K. Schäfer, Michael Käfer, Hannah K. Mattheus & Tanja Michael - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background:To date, most research on aggression in mental disorders focused on active-aggressive behavior and found self-directed and other-directed active aggression to be a symptom and risk-factor of psychopathology. On the other hand, passive-aggressive behavior has been investigated less frequently and only in research on psychodynamic defense mechanisms, personality disorders, and dysfunctional self-control processes. This small number of studies primarily reflects a lack of a reliable and valid clinical assessment of passive-aggressive behavior. To address this gap, we developed the Test of (...)
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    Unconscious detection of implicit expectancies.Michael Rose, Hilde Haider & Christian Büchel - 2005 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (6):918-927.
  33. Marrying the Merits of Nagelian Reduction and Functional Reduction.Michael Esfeld, Christian Sachse & Patrice Soom - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (3):217-230.
    This paper points out the merit of Nagelian reduction, namely to propose a model of inter-theoretic reduction that retains the scientific quality of the reduced theory and the merit of functional reduction, namely to take multiple realization into account and to offer reductive explanations. By considering Lewis and Kim’s proposal for local reductions, we establish that functional reduction fails to achieve a theory reduction and cannot retain the scientific quality of the reduced theory. We improve on that proposal by showing (...)
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  34. Permanentes Provisorium : Hans Blumenbergs Umwege : zur Einleitung.Michael Heidgen, Matthias Koch & Christian Köhler - 2015 - In Michael Heidgen, Matthias Koch & Christian Köhler (eds.), Permanentes provisorium: Hans Blumenbergs Umwege. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    The Ethics of Self-Defense.Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    The fifteen new essays collected in this volume address questions concerning the ethics of self-defense, most centrally when and to what extent the use of defensive force, especially lethal force, can be justified. Scholarly interest in this topic reflects public concern stemming from controversial cases of the use of force by police, and military force exercised in the name of defending against transnational terrorism. The contributors pay special attention to determining when a threat is liable to defensive harm, though doubts (...)
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    Why computational complexity may set impenetrable barriers for epistemic reductionism.Michael H. Herzog, Adrien Doerig & Christian Sachse - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-13.
    According to physicalism, everything is physical or metaphysically connected to the physical. If physicalism were true, it seems that we should – in principle – be able to reduce the descriptions and explanations of special sciences to physical ones, for example, explaining biological regularities, via chemistry, by the laws of particle physics. The multiple realization of the property types of the special sciences is often seen to be an obstacle to such epistemic reductions. Here, we introduce another, new argument against (...)
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    The 10th Oxbridge varsity medical ethics debate-should we fear the rise of direct-to-consumer genetic testing?Christian Michael Armstrong Holland, Edward Harry Arbe-Barnes, Euan Joseph McGivern & Ruairidh Mungo Connor Forgan - 2018 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13 (1):14.
    In an increasingly data-driven age of medicine, do companies that offer genetic testing directly to patients represent an important part of personalising care, or a dangerous threat to privacy? Should we celebrate this new mechanism of patient involvement, or fear its implications?The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge addressed these issues in the 10th annual Medical Ethics Varsity Debate, through the motion: “This House Regrets the Rise of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing”. This article summarises and extends key arguments made in the debate, (...)
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    Sprachwissenschaftliche Erschließungsmethoden für digitale Editionen mittelhochdeutscher Texte.Michael Stolz & Christian Griesinger - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (1):112-128.
    This paper sheds light on the possibilities and perspectives of linking digital editions of Medieval German texts to each other and to other digital resources. Furthermore, it discusses some of the internal and technical conditions necessary to render this linkage meaningful, like lemmatisation, part-of-speech-tagging, and using standardised mark-up languages. Finally, the sustainability and reusability of digital editions are considered. While in the past, editions of medieval texts were conceived as rather isolated scholarly works of individual editors, nowadays the collaboration and (...)
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  39. Leaders, Values, and Organizational Climate: Examining Leadership Strategies for Establishing an Organizational Climate Regarding Ethics.Michael W. Grojean, Christian J. Resick, Marcus W. Dickson & D. Brent Smith - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (3):223-241.
    This paper examines the critical role that organizational leaders play in establishing a values based climate. We discuss seven mechanisms by which leaders convey the importance of ethical values to members, and establish the expectations regarding ethical conduct that become engrained in the organizations climate. We also suggest that leaders at different organizational levels rely on different mechanisms to transmit values and expectations. These mechanisms then influence members practices and expectations, further increase the salience of ethical values and result in (...)
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    Elias Metschnikoff, Anton Dohrn, and the Metazoan Common Ancestor.Michael T. Ghiselin & Christiane Groeben - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (2):211 - 228.
  41. Evaluating evidence of mechanisms in medicine.Veli-Pekka Parkkinen, Christian Wallmann, Michael Wilde, Brendan Clarke, Phyllis Illari, Michael P. Kelly, Charles Norell, Federica Russo, Beth Shaw & Jon Williamson - 2018 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. Edited by Brendan Clarke, Phyllis Illari, Michael P. Kelly, Charles Norell, Federica Russo, Beth Shaw, Christian Wallmann, Michael Wilde & Jon Williamson.
    The use of evidence in medicine is something we should continuously seek to improve. This book seeks to develop our understanding of evidence of mechanism in evaluating evidence in medicine, public health, and social care; and also offers tools to help implement improved assessment of evidence of mechanism in practice. In this way, the book offers a bridge between more theoretical and conceptual insights and worries about evidence of mechanism and practical means to fit the results into evidence assessment procedures.
  42. Egyptians, Aliens, and Okies: Against the Sum of Averages.Christian Tarsney, Michael Geruso & Dean Spears - 2023 - Utilitas 35 (4):320-326.
    Grill (2023) defends the sum of averages view (SAV), on which the value of a population is found by summing the average welfare of each generation or birth cohort. A major advantage of SAV, according to Grill, is that it escapes the Egyptology objection to average utilitarianism. But, we argue, SAV escapes only the most literal understanding of this objection, since it still allows the value of adding a life to depend on facts about other, intuitively irrelevant lives. Moreover, SAV (...)
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    The Ethics of Self-Defense.Christian Coons & Michael Weber - 2016 - In Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.), The Ethics of Self-Defense. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    This introductory chapter has several relatively modest aims, all in the service of preparing readers for the substantive chapters in the volume. First, we provide a basic summary of the contours of debate about the ethics of self-defense. In so doing, we highlight and explain some of the central terms in the debate, as there is a complex, specialized vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to some readers. Second, we distinguish and discuss the different contexts in which the need for self-defense (...)
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    Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger.Christian Tornau & Michael Erler - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 793-796.
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    Einleitung: Was ist antike Rhetorik?Christian Tornau & Michael Erler - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 1-16.
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    Frontmatter.Christian Tornau & Michael Erler - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter.
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    Sachregister.Christian Tornau & Michael Erler - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 801-810.
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    Vorwort der Reihenherausgeber.Christian Tornau & Michael Erler - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler (eds.), Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter.
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  49. On physicalism, physical properties, and panpsychism.Christian Nimtz & Michael Schütte - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (4):413-22.
    Many physicalists are vague about how defining‘physical property’fits in with characterizing physicalism. We determine the proper relation of these tasks. Employing panpsychism as a yardstick, we argue that defining‘physical property’and characterizing physicalism are subject to contradictory conditions of adequacy. We conclude that these tasks should be kept neatly apart. Exploiting this insight, we save physicalists from an apparently disastrous anti‐physicalist argument, we propose and defend a viable definition of‘physical property’, and we argue that the standard characterization of physicalism is flawed. (...)
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  50. And science.Christian de Duve Gregory R. Peterson, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul Michael J. Degnan & James M. Gustafson Thomas D. Parker - 1997 - Zygon 32 (2):143.
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